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Announcement- Parent Communication

Parent Communication- January 19, 2021

January 19, 2021

Dear Charger Families,

The District has received confirmation that a staff member who participated in the January 12,
2021, Produce Market has tested positive for COVID-19. We believe it is important to share
this information with you. In this case, the individual had PPE (personal protective
equipment) on during the distribution which included a mask and gloves.

We believe the risk of transmission during distribution was extremely low because COVID-19
is mainly spread from person-to-person through respiratory droplets. During distribution, our
employees wear masks and have limited interaction with families and students.

The CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) website provides a complete listing
of symptoms and a self-checker: If you begin to exhibit symptoms related to COVID-19 and/or are
tested for COVID-19, seek medical attention from a health-care provider.

We have contacted the PA DOH (Pennsylvania Department of Health) for additional guidance
and are following recommendations which include sanitation and cleaning in accordance with
CDC, PDE (Pennsylvania Department of Education), and DOH (Department of Health)

With Charger Pride,
Holly W. Sayre
Superintendent of Schools
Carbondale Area School District