Elementary SAP

Elem SAP PowerPoint PDF

SAP Team Members

Mrs. Vadella
Mrs. Pidgeon
Ms. Laguzzi
Mrs. Ericson
Mrs. Staples
Mrs. Bohlig
Mrs. Paulus
Mrs. Perri
Mrs. Moore-Roberts
Mr. Villano – Certified Prevention Specialist
Ms. McDonough – Friendship House Mental Health Liaison



The Department of Education, in collaboration with the Departments of Health and Public Welfare, designated the student assistance program as the vehicle to require and assist each school district to establish and maintain a program to provide appropriate counseling and support services for students who experience problems related to the use of drugs, alcohol and dangerous controlled stubstances.

  • The Student Assistance Program is designed to assist school personnel to identify issues, including alcohol, drugs and others, which pose a barrier to a student’s learning and school success.
  • SAP is not a treatment program!
  • It allows us to assist the parent and the student with information so they may access services within the community.
  • It is the parent’s right to be involved in the process and to have full access to all school records under applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
  • It is the SAP teams responsibility to inform the parent of the problem affecting the child’s performance in school, provide information on community resources and the options to deal with the problem, and, where necessary, set up linkages with resources to help resolve the problem.


SAP – Four phases to the student assistance program are:

  1. Referral-Anyone, including any school staff, a student’s friend, a family member or community member can refer a student to SAP when they are concerned about someone’s behavior. The students themselves can even go directly to a SAP team member to ask for help. The SAP team contacts the parent for permission to proceed with the SAP process.
  2. Team Planning- The SAP team gathers objective information(not opinion or hearsay) about the student’s performance in school. Information is also collected from the parent.The team meets with the parent and student to discuss the data collected. Together, a plan is developed that includes strategies for removing the learning barriers and promoting the student’s academic and personal success to include in-school and/or community-based services and activities.
  3. Intervention and Recommendations – The team assists in linking the student to in-school and/or community-based services and activities. The team might recommend a drug and alcohol or mental health assessment.
  4. Support and Follow-Up – The SAP team continues to work with and support the student and their family.



Confidentiality is key when making a referral. Along with documentation!

Once referred please have confidence in your team that they are working on a positive outcome for the student.

Don’t ask!! Don’t discuss!!

Are You Worried About Your Child?

The Student Assistance Program (SAP) can help children experiencing barriers to learning.

What Is SAP?

The Carbondale Area Jr./Sr. High School SAP team is made up of school and agency staff that are available to help you access school and community services for your child. In Pennsylvania, every school district is required to have a plan for identifying and assisting students who experience barriers to learning.  The Carbondale Area Jr./Sr. High School SAP team will help you find services and assistance within the school, and if needed, in the community. We do not diagnose, treat, or refer your child for treatment. We will provide you with information and you make the choice(s) that best fit your needs and wishes. As the parent/guardian you are an important part of the team.

Do You See Your Child Showing Any of These Behaviors?
  • Withdrawing from family, friends, and/or activities
  • Changing friends
  • Unexplained physical injuries
  • Feeling sad
  • Talking about suicide
  • Defying authority, both at home and school
  • Acting aggressively
  • Hitting
  • Lying
  • Needing money without a good explanation
  • Declining grades
  • Experimenting with alcohol or drugs
  • Very Disrespectful to Parents/School Staff Members
  • Recent death of a loved one
  • Divorce of parents
  • Family relocation
  • A relationship problem
  • Bullying
  • Other traumatic event


How Does My Child Become Involved in the SAP Program?

Anyone can refer a child to the Carbondale Area Jr./Sr. High School SAP team. Some students are referred by teachers or other school personnel. A friend or family member can also let the Carbondale Area Jr./Sr. High School SAP team know that they are worried about someone. The child can even go directly to the Carbondale Area Jr./Sr. High School SAP team to ask for help. The Team will gather information to determine how a student is doing in their classes. However, the SAP team will not proceed unless you give your written parent permission. Once permission is received, the SAP team will work with you to develop a plan of action to help your child achieve success in school. Participation is the program is voluntary.

What If Someone Has Referred My Child to SAP?

A SAP team member will contact you regarding your child’s referral to the program. Before a SAP team member talks to your child, you will be asked to sign a permission form. The SAP team will work with you and your child throughout the process. As a parent, your knowledge and thoughts about your child will be helpful in developing a plan of action. If you need more information before making a decision about SAP, please feel free to talk to a SAP team member.

How Do I Contact the SAP Team?

If you have any questions about SAP or you feel that your child may need help, call the Carbondale Area Jr./Sr. High School at 570-282-4500 and ask to speak with any of the following team members:

Mrs. Keri Warhola, High School Guidance Counselor

Mrs. Priscilla Bilski, High School Nurse

Mr. James Kielar, Teacher

Mr. Raymond Ofner, Teacher

Ms. Marijo Naniewicz, Teacher

Ms. Christina Connors, School Psychologist

Mr. Lawrence Gabriel– SAP team member

Mrs. Colleen Sullivan– SAP team member

Mrs. Teressa Dombrosky– SAP team member

Rory Stevens- Drug and Alcohol Representative from NEIU



SAP Related Websites:




Pennsylvania Suicide Prevention Plan



Prevent Suicide PA’s Online Learning Center




Resources to Help Students Quit Vaping/Smoking



American Lung Association: Quit Smoking/Vaping



Juul and E Cigarettes: Closer Look



The Health Impacts of E Cigarettes



PDE 4092 https://www.safeschools.pa.gov/Home.aspx?App=Empty&Menu=dbd39a1f-3319-4a75-8f69-d1166dba5d70

SAP Training Calendar http://pnsas.org/Calendar-And-Events


***Blue Ribbon Video
