Pictured left to right are the National Honor Society Senior Officers: Kylie Kelly (Secretary), Megan Cosklo (Vice-President), Kaci Bannon (President), and Molly Kelly (Treasurer).
Carbondale Area Hosts National Honor Society Ceremony
On Tuesday, March 19th, 2024, at 7:00PM, the National Honor Society Ceremony was held in the Carbondale Area High School Auditorium. The National Honor Society and National Junior Honor…

CA students in the Science and Technology Club who participated in STEM Day at Wilkes University are pictured left to right: Front Row- Aiden Mannis, Tom Seymour, Mason Nepa, Olivia Lawler, Delaney Strain, Abby Lynady, Maddie Zaccone, and Maurie Newcomb. Back Row- Matt Serkosky, Gianna Perry, Xander Mackey, Will Murphy, Emily Grover, Ashleigh Arnese, and Ms. Samantha Masco, Science and Technology Club Advisor.
Science and Technology Club Participates in STEM Day
10th grade students in the Science and Technology Club participated in STEM Day at Wilkes University on Friday March 22, 2024. Students participated in a variety of hands-on lab activities prepared…
Parent Communication 4-2-2024
Parent Communication- 04.02.2024