Read more about the article Carbondale Area FBLA Students Place at Virtual State Leadership Conference
Emily Kelly is honored at the Carbondale Area April School Board Meeting for her 1st Place finish at FBLA States. She is flanked by her advisor, Miss Licia Olivetti, and School Board Treasurer, Mr. David Osborne.

Carbondale Area FBLA Students Place at Virtual State Leadership Conference

  At the 2021 Virtual State Leadership Conference, three Carbondale Area students earned awards. Under the direction of Miss Licia Olivetti, junior Emily Kelly placed 1st in Networking Infrastructures. Sophomore…

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Read more about the article Carbondale Area Hosts Softball Senior Night
The Chargerettes hosted Softball Senior Night on April 12. From left to right: Monique Cobb, Head Coach, Mr. Lawrence Gabriel, Athletic Director, Jacob Brewen, Father, Christina Brewen, Mother, Kacydi Brewen, Senior Softball Player, Mr. Joseph Farrell, Principal, Katrina Mrakovich, Assistant Coach and Audrey Gardus, Assistant Coach.

Carbondale Area Hosts Softball Senior Night

  Carbondale Area hosted a Senior Night Ceremony for the Softball team on April 12 against the Riverside Vikings. The Chargerettes won 9-5. The lone senior recognized was Kacydi Brewen,…

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Read more about the article Carbondale Area Hosts National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
National Honor Society Officers for the 2020-2021 School Year are (Left to Right): Secretary Sarah Tolerico, President Deana Mancuso, Vice-President Alyvia Schiavone, and Treasurer Amelia Muta

Carbondale Area Hosts National Honor Society Induction Ceremony

  Carbondale Area Junior/Senior High School held its National Honor Society Induction Ceremony on Wednesday, April 14 to celebrate the achievements of some of our most accomplished students. Students are…

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Read more about the article Incubator Donation to Science Department
Carbondale Area Faculty take a picture with the new microbiology incubator. Standing in front left to right: Ms. Emily Baileys, Biology, and Ms. Samantha Masco, Junior High Science. Standing in back left to right: Mrs. Tricia Liuzzo, Science Department Head, and Mr. Joseph Farrell, Carbondale Area Principal.

Incubator Donation to Science Department

  A recent Carbondale Area alumni (Class of 2011), who wishes to remain anonymous, recently donated a microbiology incubator to the Carbondale Area Junior/Senior High School Science Department. This alumnus…

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