On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, Carbondale Area held its annual Powderpuff game in honor of those who had and who are currently battling breast cancer. During the school day, students were able to show their support to the cause by wearing their Powderpuff shirts, buying tinsel, tattoos, bracelets, pins, ribbons, and face painting. The flag football game was kicked off with the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner by junior Ava Peregrin followed by the senior girls taking on the junior girls in a battle for the win. The game began with juniors having possession, but they were unable to secure a touchdown. Once the seniors took possession, they went to the playbook and used their go to play from last year’s game. This included Maddi Heenan having the ball snapped to her and while this was happening she yelled to Darryl Bennett that she had a question to ask him about the play. This was all part of the plan, because in the end, Maddi gained ten unexplained yards with a trick no one saw coming. The rest of the game until halftime remained scoreless with the girls battling back and forth. We cannot forget the halftime show put on by our senior and junior boys. Although Dylan Ofner broke out his best Ken impression and sang his heart out, in the end, it was the junior boys who came out on top with their impressive stunts and cheerleading skills. The juniors won the halftime cheer battle, but that was the only thing they won that evening. The seniors answered in a big way when Maddi Hennan returned the second half kickoff for a touchdown to tie the game. The seniors sealed the deal with the two-point conversion leaving the Class of 2024 with an undefeated 2-0 Powderpuff record. At the end of the day, all of the fun and games brought awareness to all who have lost their lives and to those who continue to fight and those who have survived the battle of their lives. #FIGHTLIKEACHARGER