On Wednesday, June 1, the Carbondale Area seniors gathered as a class to celebrate achievements, reflect on past memories, and await the future. Alyssa Cosklo (Valedictorian) and Emily Kelly (Salutatorian) led the Pledge of Allegiance. Alexis Price, Class President, addressed the class with sentimental remarks both before and after the ceremony. Ellie Higdon (Class Poet-ranked third) introduced the events for the evening.
The ceremony started with presentations of Class Gifts and the reading of the Class Will and Prophecy- these were all based on their personalities and interests, as well as inside jokes that the general public probably did not understand. Makenna Fedorchak, Elizabeth Pantoja, Kyle Perri, Jonathon Purvis, Chloee Rumford, MaKena Sanderson, Joshua Tierney, and Keefer Wease presented the gifts. Mia Marrero and Mia Perri read the Class Will, while Sophia Calzola and Rogemarie Navarrete predicted the future of the Class of 2022 by discussing their Class Reunion in fifteen years, where the seniors had a rematch Powderpuff football game with the juniors.
Various presenters gave out thousands of dollars in merit-based scholarships to the students. Award recipients are as follows:
Steve Brownell Scholarship: Ellie Higdon
Shane Rivenburgh Memorial Scholarship: Kyle Perri
Diane Kelly Math Excellence Award: Alyssa Cosklo
CA Strikeout Cancer Scholarship: Ellie Higdon and Logan Wormuth
Fendrock Family Scholarship: MaKena Sanderson
Frank Burnett Memorial Scholarship: Emily Kelly
Kayla Nakonechni Memorial Scholarship: Mia Perri
Ambassador Against Drugs (Lackawanna County District Attorney’s Office Scholarship): Mia Marrero
David and Marijo Kirtland Foundation Scholarship: Cayden Watts
Dime Bank Director’s Award: Chloee Rumford
Carbondale UNICO Scholarship: Sophia Calzola and Mia Perri
Keystone UNICO Brian Piccolo Award: Sophia Calzola
Simpson VFW Post 4712: Evan Miller, Alyssa Cosklo, and Ellie Higdon
Christopher Buckley Memorial Scholarship (CA Faculty Bowling League): Mackenzie Edgar
Tom Molinaro Memorial Scholarship: Logan Wormuth
Michael “Red” Wallace: Killian Bannon
PIAA Scholar Athlete Award: Alyssa Cosklo and Jonathon Purvis
Andrew Mazza Foundation Scholarship: Evan Miller
Erin Jessica Moreken Scholarship: Alexis Price
Jefferson Foundation Scholarship: MaKena Sanderson
Patrick Andrew Luptak Scholarship: Alexis Price
Anne Fedorchak Memorial Scholarship: Mia Marrero
Frank T. Lee Scholarship: MaKena Sanderson
Peter Petorak Scholarship: Ellie Higdon
Judith and Joseph Calabro Scholarship: Ellie Higdon
Faculty Academic Excellence Scholarship: Alyssa Cosklo, Emily Kelly, Ellie Higdon, Jonathon Purvis, and Sophia Calzola
Nellie Jordan and Mary Louise Gallagher Scholarship: Tatiana Elston
James and Margaret Pidgeon Scholarship: Chloee Rumford
Robert Jurbel Scholarship: Alyssa Cosklo

The Carbondale Area School District congratulates all of the award winners on their well-deserved recognition. Also, a special thank you goes out to Mr. Carm Perri and Mrs. Alyssa Mayne for organizing the event, as well as the faculty and staff who assisted with the event. We could not do this without all of you!