Read more about the article Carbondale Area Excels at PJAS Regional Competition
The following seniors earned the "Perseverance Award" for their six-year commitment to PJAS. They also each one a First Place Award. Pictured left to right: Ms. Mandy Jadick, PJAS co-Advisor, Stephanie Baker, Caitlin Burns, Rylie Toolan, and Dr. Samantha Masco, PJAS co-Advisor.

Carbondale Area Excels at PJAS Regional Competition

  Dr. Samantha Masco and Ms. Mandy Jadick, PJAS co-Advisors, are pleased to announce the following results from the 2025 Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Region Competition. This year’s competition…

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Read more about the article CA Aevidum Club Members Attend “One Big Tribe” Student Summit at Lakeland Junior/Senior High School
The students who attended "One Big Tribe" Student Summit at Lakeland Junior/Senior High School are pictured left to right: Front Row- Eliana Connolly, Hannah Mccaffrey, Abigail Wall, and Lily Thornton. Back Row- Aiden Mannis, Olivia Lawler, Aubrey Borosky, Riley Brennan, Cole Becchetti, Sean Surace, Evan Cerra, Mitchell Masco, Mr. Michael Murphy, Aevidum Club Advisor, and Cole Balderas.

CA Aevidum Club Members Attend “One Big Tribe” Student Summit at Lakeland Junior/Senior High School

  On March 10, members of the Aevidum Club participated in the Aevidum: "One Big Tribe" Student Summit at Lakeland Junior/Senior High School. The event brought together students from across Lackawanna…

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