Read more about the article Football Players, Cheerleaders, Marching Band/Drill Team Members, and Cross Country Seniors and Families Honored at Senior-Parent Recognition Night
Charger Football players and their families are pictured left to right: Kneeling- Mitchell Alexander, Dominique Aponte, Jesse Arthur, Collin Bailer, Andrew Balderas, Mason Baron, Darryl Bennet, William O'Dowd, Ulric McKenzie III, Anthony Byfield, Colin Ormes, and Cody Ormes. Standing- Jeffrey Alexander, April Alexander, Mr. Lawrence Gabriel III, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, Luisa Diaz, Mr. Joseph Farrell, High School Principal, Misty Kordish, Jill Bailer, Tom Bailer, Nicole Molinaro, Andrew Balderas Sr., Tim Baron, Joy Baron, Elijah Smallwood, Junior Bennett, Cam Smallwood, Christina O'Dowd, William O'Dowd, Tina McDonald, Ethel Mejia, Mark Danchak, Marcus Gomez, Renee Mortis, Debi Baldwin, Jonathan Prieto, Franco Prieto, and Mr. Jeff Arthur, Head Football Coach.

Football Players, Cheerleaders, Marching Band/Drill Team Members, and Cross Country Seniors and Families Honored at Senior-Parent Recognition Night

  Seniors football players, cheerleaders, marching band members, and a cross country senior, as well as their parents, were recognized at Senior-Parent Recognition Night, held on October 20, 2023, prior…

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Cheerleading Squad Selling Shirts for Breast Cancer Awareness (Can Be Worn to School on October 27)

  The CA Cheerleading Squad will be selling shirts in support of breast cancer awareness. Shirts may be worn to school on Friday, October 27 with uniform bottoms. PURCHASE HERE!…

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Read more about the article CA Unified Track and Field Honors Seniors at Senior-Parent Recognition Night
Unified Track and Field seniors and their parents were honored prior to their home meet on Tuesday, April 18. Pictured left to right are the following: Front Row: Michael Reilly, Eugene Lloyd, Jimmy Iwanowski, and Joshua Berg Back Row: Mr. Lawrence Gabriel III, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, Mrs. Samantha Masco, Unified Sports Head Coach, Frances Reilly, Mr. Michael Murphy, Assistant Coach, Eva Iwanowski, Robert and Amy Berg, Mr. Joseph Farrell, Principal, Mrs. Holly Sayre, Superintendent of Schools, and Mrs. Heather Tolerico, Director of Special Education.

CA Unified Track and Field Honors Seniors at Senior-Parent Recognition Night

  Carbondale Area recently honored its Unified team members at a Unified Track and Field Meet last Tuesday, April 11 for their contributions to the sport and for promoting an…

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