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First Day Signs

First Day Signs

The annual first day signs are available! The first day signs commemorate the start of another school year. We have signs for each grade level and employees.



Print the appropriate first day sign from our website; take your first day photo on August 29, 2022; and then share your picture with family, friends, and the District for a chance to see your picture featured on our website.

Submission Information – Deadline September 2, 2022, at Noon

  • First day photos for the website must be submitted to a drop box. Click HERE By submitting your photo, you grant the Carbondale Area School District permission to use your image/photo online.
  • Please name your file with the child’s name and grade.
  • Only include your own children in your photo submission.
  • Photos which have been edited with filters or text overlays may be cropped or unable to be used.
  • Submissions received after the deadline will not be incorporated on the website.

The photos will be posted on our website and social media sites as quickly as it can be completed. It may take a few days after the deadline depending on participation.


Thank you in advance!