Senior Football Players and their families are pictured left to right: Kneeling- Mr. Jeff Arthur, Head Coach, Ethen Brewen, Daniel Gonzalez, Elijah Houdershieldt, Isaiah Kilmer, Blake Menotti, Jordan Myers, Jacob Rosler, Connor Sansky, Max Urbas, and T.J. Wiggins. Standing: Mr. Lawrence Gabriel III, High School Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, Jacob Brewen, Christina Brewen, Diana Ocasio, Mr. Joseph Farrell, High School Principal, Lynn Hutchinson, Noah Houdershieldt, Brikele Mallick, Nicole Mallick, Lauren Hazen, Joey Myers, Amanda Lipko, Orena Demianovich, William "Bumper" Rosler, Michelle Rosler, Gerilyn Sansky, Steve Sansky, Lora Urbas, Bryan Urbas, Holly Wiggins, Tom Wiggins, and Mrs. Holly Sayre, Superintendent of Schools.
Football Players, Cheerleaders, and Marching Band/Drill Team Members and Families Honored at Senior-Parent Recognition Night
Seniors football players, cheerleaders, and marching band/drill team members, as well as their families, were recognized at Senior-Parent Recognition Night, held on October 25, 2024, prior to the game against Old Forge.
Notably, the Chargers defeated Old Forge to clinch their first winning season since 2017 and their first win over the Blue Devils since 2007. They finished the regular season with a 6-4 record.
The individual football photos are in a gallery below.
Ethen Brewen is escorted by Christina and Jacob Brewen.
Daniel Gonzalez is escorted by Diana Ocasio.
Elijah Houdershieldt is escorted by Lynn Hutchinson and Michael Harrison.
Isaiah Kilmer is escorted by Nicole and Brikele Mallick.
Blake Menotti is escorted by Lauren Hazen.
Jordan Myers is escorted by Amanda Lipko, Joey Myers, and siblings Orena Demianovich and Grayson Myers.
Jacob Rosler is escorted by Michelle and William “Bumper”Rosler.
Connor Sansky is escorted by Gerilyn and Steve Sansky as well as brother, Corey Sansky.
Max Urbas is escorted by Lora and Brian Urbas.
T.J. Wiggins is escorted by Holly and Tom Wiggins.
See below for the team and individual photos of the senior cheerleaders and their parents.
The senior cheerleaders and their families are pictured left to right: Front Row(Cheerleaders)- Eva Balderas, Olivia Baron, Leila Esgro, Hannah Mccaffrey, Ava Peregrin, Angelica Prieto, Victoria Propes, Rylie Toolan, Abigail Wall, Jizelle LaRoche, and Adrienne Titley. Back Row- Ms. Madison Moase, Assistant Cheerleading Coach, Danny Gabriel, Nicole Molinaro, Andrew Balderas, Joy Baron, Tim Baron, Tiffany Perry, Joe Esgro, Mr. Joseph Farrell, High School Principal, Mickey Mccaffrey, Howard Mccaffrey, Tammy Peregrin, Shane Peregrin, Fernando Prieto, Prissida Prieto, James Propes, Michele Propes, Frank Toolan, Joanna Catanzaro, Robert Wall, Nicole Wall, Janina LaRoche, John LaRoche, Derek Titley, Divina Moore, Mrs. Michele Caviston, Head Cheerleading Coach, and Mrs. Holly Sayre, Superintendent of Schools.
Eva Balderas is escorted by Nicole Molinaro, Andrew Balderas, and Danny Gabriel.
Olivia Baron is escorted by Joy and Tim Baron.
Leila Esgro is escorted by Tiffany Perry and Joe Esgro
Hannah Mccaffrey is escorted by Mickey and Howard Mccaffrey.
Ava Peregrin is escorted by Tammy and Shane Peregrin.
Angelica Prieto is escorted by Fernando and Prissida Prieto.
Victoria Propes is escorted by Michele and James Propes.
Rylie Toolan is escorted by Joanna Catanzaro and Frank Toolan.
Abigail Wall is escorted by Nicole and Robert Wall.
Jizelle LaRoche is escorted by Janina and John LaRoche.
Adrienne Titley is escorted by Derek Titley and Divina Moore.
The senior marching band/drill team and their parents are pictured below.
Senior marching band/drill team members and their families are pictured left to right: Front Row (Marching Band/Drill Team)- Jizelle LaRoche, Adrienne Titley, Nicole Perez, Jada Malone, Lexie Mancuso, Marisa Matoushek, Alan Parry, and Sevine Tighe. Back Row- Mrs. Nicolina Broskoski, Assistant Drill Team Advisor, Mrs. Selena Rosar, Head Drill Team Advisor, Mrs. Tina McDonald, Assistant Drill Team Advisor, Mrs. Gabriella Tolerico, Assistant Marching Band Director, Janina LaRoche, John LaRoche, Derek Titley, Divina Moore, Mr. Joseph Farrell, High School Principal, Alima Armstrong, Kathy Mercer, Thomas Armstrong, Quadir Armstrong, Sal Carovinci, Holly Rodzelovage, Kirk Matoushek, Mikel Matoushek, Krystal Tighe, Matthew Hartsgrove Sarah Parry, Deborah Parry, Mrs. Megan McDermott, Marching Band Director, and Mrs. Holly Sayre, Superintendent of Schools.
Alan Parry is escorted by Deborah Parry and siblings Sarah and Gabby Parry.
Sevine Tighe is escorted by Krystal Tighe and Matthew Hartsgrove.
Jizelle LaRoche is escorted by Janina and John LaRoche.
Adrienne Titley is escorted by Derek Titley and Divina Moore.
Nicole Perez is escorted by Mrs. Megan McDermott.
Jada Malone is escorted by Kathy Mercer and Thomas Armstrong as well as siblings Qadir and Alima Armstrong.
Marisa Matoushek is escorted by Kirk and Dionisia Matoushek as well as sister Mikel Matoushek.
Congratulations to all of our Charger Football, Cheerleading, and Marching Band/Drill Team Seniors and their parents and best of luck in your future endeavors! #CAProud #CAClassof2024