The Carbondale Area School District, Rt. 6 Brooklyn Street, Carbondale, PA   18407 solicits bids for the 2025-2026 school year for the following:  General Supplies and Janitorial Supplies.


All bids must be in accordance with the specifications, which may be obtained by contacting the Business Office of the Carbondale Area School District at 1-844-330-2273 ext 1120 during normal business hours, 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. or the district website at under Community “Invitation to Bid”.


The Carbondale Area School District reserves the right to accept the bid of the lowest responsible bidder and quality and material being equal but shall have the right to reject all bids or select a single item from any bid. In addition to the official sealed bid, the District also encourages vendors to e-mail their bids back as well. The District requires the office paper copy of the bid to be legally able to accept your company’s submission.


The Business Office of the School District shall receive clearly marked sealed bids no later than April 21, 2025, at 2 p.m. for a public opening in the Business Office at 3:30 p.m. that day at Rt. 6, 101 Brooklyn Street, Carbondale, PA  18407. The public is invited to attend. Bid awards are expected to be made at the August school board meeting.




David Osborne




SAP Referal Form

SAP Referal Form Link