You are currently viewing Miss Masco’s STEM Students Participate in Johnson College’s Solar Energy Workshop
Kneeling (L-R): Martina McDonald, Caroline Homesher, Mackenzie Wallace Standing Row 1 (L-R)- Miss Masco, Riley Brennan, Abigail Carachilo, Oliva Ellinger, Matthew Jacob, Lily Thornton, and Aidan Kelly Standing Row 2 (L-R)- Mr. Cole Goldstein, Mr. Rich Fornes, and Benjamin Laub .

Miss Masco’s STEM Students Participate in Johnson College’s Solar Energy Workshop


Students from Miss Masco’s Introduction to STEM class took part in Johnson College’s Solar Energy Workshop. Students learned about solar energy, how it is harnessed, and its efficiency. Students then took what they learned in the classroom to the field and used Solar Pathfinders to determine where on the Johnson campus would be a good location for a solar array.

Next, students went into one of Johnson’s state-of- the art lab classrooms and began working on their own solar panel USB charger. Students learned soldering techniques and basic electronics, and each built their own charging units. Students truly enjoyed learning about solar energy and working hands on with instructors Mr. Rich Fornes and Mr. Cole Goldstein. Thank you to Johnson College and PPL for this opportunity for students.