Our next Senior Spotlight is Charger Football player Colin “Ormesy” Ormes. Colin, who wears #3 for the Chargers, is the son of Debi Ormes. He has five siblings- a teammate and twin brother Cody, as well as Dylan, Kevin, Amanda, and Justin.
Colin players Outside Linebacker and Tailback. He is also a member of the Bowling team and the Honor Roll. He is employed at East Coast Specialties. His favorite subject is Science. His favorite CA memory is the Dodgeball/Volleyball Tournament. He enjoys playing video games and hanging out with friends. Colin plans on going right into the work force after graduation to work a full-time construction job.
The Carbondale Area School District congratulates Colin on his achievements thus far and wishes him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

“If it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. It is the hard that makes it great.” -Colin Ormes (quoting Tom Hanks), Carbondale Area Class of 2024