Mrs. Kimberly Michalek
Director of Transportation
101 Brooklyn St.
Carbondale, PA 18407
Phone: 1 (844) 330-2273 x 1220
Fax: 1 (570) 282-6988

Ms. Faith Ann Farber
Assistant Director of Transportation
101 Brooklyn St.
Carbondale, PA 18407
Phone: 1 (844) 330-2273 x 1221
Fax: 1 (570) 282-6988
Transportation Contractor
JW Transit, Inc.
60 Dundaff Street
Carbondale, PA 18407
p: 570-536-6556
District Transportation Links
Transportation Information
Half Day Schedule
At various times during the school year, the District holds half-day sessions. The individual buildings will notify parents and guardians of those days during the year and will also be listed on the district calendar. When schools are on a half day schedule, elementary students are dismissed at approximately 12:20 pm (Grades Pre K – 6th). High school students are dismissed at approximately 12:40 pm. Bus stop arrivals may differ slightly on how quickly buses are loaded. It is recommended parents arrive early to bus stops on half-day sessions. It is also very important that parents check the school calendar to make arrangements for students dismissed early on scheduled half-days.
If an incident occurs on the bus that involves disciplinary action, please contact the building principal. Bus drivers are encouraged to complete an incident report to the building representative and Transportation Director immediately after incident occurred.
Ms. Meg Duffy, Elementary Principal – 1-844-330-2273 option 5
Mr. Joseph Farrell, High School Principal – 1-844-330-2273 option 4
Closing and Delays
Closings and Delays: A Difficult Decision
The decision to delay or close school is one of the most difficult and most carefully thought out in any school District. The complexity of Carbondale Area with its variety of different types of roads and terrain, requires a d careful process be followed whenever winter weather poses a threat.
The Superintendent of Schools is notified of the approach of potentially hazardous weather as early as information becomes available, sometimes the day before a storm is to arrive.
Beginning very early in the morning when inclement weather is forecast, the Superintendent is in close contact with the Director of Transportation, Business Manager and Assistant Director of Transportation. These individuals remain in close contact with area weather services and police and law enforcement agencies.
Recommendations are made to the Superintendent of Schools who then makes the final decision. The decision to delay or close school is always made with the entire district in mind. The safety of our children is the primary consideration.
If possible, the initial decision is made by 5:15 am. The decision is communicated in several ways. Area TV stations are notified. In addition, the decision is posted on social media and the district notifies parents via its emergency calling system.
In some cases, the weather service may indicate a storm is expected to stop or road conditions to improve later in the morning and the District may choose a delayed opening rather than immediate closing. If conditions do not improve, a further delay or closing may become necessary and that message is immediately communicated to parents and guardians.
Two Hour Delays
Elementary Start Time 9:50 am
High School Start Time 10:00 am
Three Hour Delays
Elementary Start Time 10:50 am
High School Start Time 11:00 am
Safety Information
Our First Priority
The safety of our children is the foremost concern of the Carbondale Area School District and its Transportation Department.
Concern for the safety of our children can be found in the construction of the school bus with its high back seats and familiar blinking lights. Carbondale buses include side stop arms that extend out from the driver’s side of the bus and combine with the red flashing lights to alert drivers in front and behind the school bus.
All members of the Carbondale community – from drivers and students to parents and teachers – are important parts of a safe transportation system.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are times when your school bus may arrive later than the scheduled pick-up/drop-off time. Some reasons for inconsistent times are road detours, traffic, inclement weather, discipline problems and mechanical difficulties. If your bus does not arrive with 15 minutes of your scheduled time, contact the Transportation Office at 1 (844) 330-2273 and they will advise you the status of the bus.
Transportation FAQs
What should I do if my child misses the school bus?
If your child misses the bus because he/she was not at the bus stop on time, you will be responsible for transporting your child.
Please DO NOT follow the bus and attempt to get the bus to pull over while it is on its route.
It is extremely unsafe for the bus to stop along the roadway to board your child. Children walking close to the side of the bus are in danger of getting seriously hurt.
There is a different bus and or driver for my child today, why?
Due to the scheduling of bus repairs and inspections, a spare bus will fill in for your regular bus when it is in the garage. If your driver is absent there will be a substitute driver to drive your children’s bus route. At times you will see a different bus number and a different bus driver. Don’t be concerned, this is just a combination of events.
What is the transportation policy regarding children let off at the bus stop without a parent or guardian?
Students in grades Pre K – 2nd will not be left off at a bus stop without a parent or guardian present. If a parent or guardian is not present, the child will be returned to the school. The parent or guardian will be responsible for picking up your child from the school.
How long may a child be required to ride on a bus?
This is a local decision (based on geography, population distribution, etc.). There are no time limits set by law or regulations.
How far may a child be asked to walk to a school bus stop?
The law allows a school district to ask a child, regardless of age, to walk up to a mile and half to a bus stop. The mile and half is measured by public roads and does not include any private lane or walkway of the child’s residence.
May a school district suspend busing services for a child?
Yes. Transportation is a privilege, not a right.